cios rev 249 waninkoko
cios 250
cios 36 rev 10 wad
cios 222 v4 249 v9
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cios 249 rev6 rr wad
cios 222 v4 or 249 wad
cios rev21
The Lord of the Harvest has commissioned us that he would “send forth” laborers into His harvest field – for that field is “ripe unto harvest!” These little, but relevant, gospel tracts/broadsides are designed for the Church to distribute to anyone and anywhere – I only wish they could be translated into other languages and “personalized” – for in all areas of life believers have a testimony of the Grace of God as found in the Redeemer. This is not optional – all of us are “sent forth” to preach the gospel to everyone!

So – we’ve taken tragedy, addiction and champions in PDF format to be placed on a “flash drive” or directly taken to the printer – “blank address box” is found at the end – you place your own info. there or use the Tribnet web site address – and distribute where you may! God bless – Lord willing, we’ll have more – no author is found on it – why? Because we felt it would honor the Lord if you could make it personal – Jesus is real – He alone is worthy – He’ll speak the message and draw all men to Himself if He is lifted up! Just click on the blank or Tribnet link and what you see is what you’ll get …

Bro. Doug.

Beauty and the Beast

…the Beast State is Turning on the Church

By Dene McGriff

Today we are witnessing the acquiescence of the church as society and the state impinge upon her. We have two examples. One is national, showing the gradual caving of the church to the modern age as it tries to make herself more accommodating to the State and now experiencing the State’s uncompromising attack on the church. The other has to do with supporting an evangelist who is going to be doing a “season of service” here in Sacramento, California, as an evangelistic outreach – here, the Church attempts to make herself more attractive to the world, less offensive, more in “tune with today’s culture.”